
What You Need to Know About Replicas

We offer great discounts for handbags retailer, wholesaler and we also offer professional dropshipping service.

As a well-established business in the high designer handbags/purses/wallets replicas industry with eight-year’s experience, our company has remained committed to the ultimate goal of providing the latest and highest quality Louis Vuitton purses, Prada, Gucci, Hermes, Marc Jacob and Jimmy Choo handbags to customers around the world. In North America, Europe, Australia and South America, we have thousands of retail customers, as well as hundreds of distributors and dropship agents. To choose Replica website is like having a good friend and partner who continues to provide you with low-cost and high-quality designer handbags.


We pride ourselves on providing outstanding services and especially competitive pricing to our wholesale customers. Once we set your business up under one of the three Purchasing Plans, we will make every diligent effort to prove your decision to be a wise and rewarding one. Our three Purchasing Plans are:

10% discount for orders over US$ 1000.00

20% discount for orders over US$ 3000.00

30% discount for orders over US$ 5000.00

For all wholesale orders, we only accept payment through Western Union,Bank transfer. You can choose to wire the payment by installment at Western Union. When you are interested in any of the above mentioned Purchasiing Plans, please feel free to contact us by emails. Our sales representative will get back to you within 12 hours. Sample orders to test the quality of our products are very welcome as well.


Basically, with this dropshipping program you can order high quality designer handbags at only the wholesale discounted price and we ship directly to your customers with guaranteed express delivery. 

Processing a dropshipping order takes the same time as any other order, usually shipped the next business day. A tracking number is provided within 48 hours.  All of our correspondence will be made directly with you. We will not contact your customer, though we do need the name, address and telephone number of your customers. Merchandise will be packaged in an unmarked box without any logo, trademark or information of our company, therefore your customer will never know about us.

websites selling designer replic acopies can also provide you several important pieces of information to future buyers like you, which can help make your order even easier to place.

Important Note: In a dropshipping order, the shipping address is different from the billing address, which makes it difficult for the credit card processing company to decide if the transaction is authorized, therefore, an authorization paper with photocopies of the credit card (back and front)    and ID of the card holder may help process the transaction.


How You can get Top travel bag and backpack replicas for less.

Replica website blog is your most reliable retailer of virtually all kinds of knockoff bags and backpacks. We are the website that have provided and continue to provide high-quality accessories. We offer many amazing travel backpacks and bags – truly, the perfect luggage for your peripatetic life, even for your occasional travels. We selected several popular travel bags, as well as their descriptions, photos and reviews. We also included the feedback from customers so that you can read about their thoughts regarding these items. We assure you that our reviews are real so much so that we include even the negative ones. 

Top Travel Bags and Backpacks Replicas

No. 5 – The Louis Vuitton Damier Bag Ebene Michael Backpack Replica

Louis Vuitton Damier Ebene Michael Backpack Replica

Xavier: “AAA quality, the best there is!”

I have been a regular customer of Purse Blog for a while now. I’m always impressed with the unparalleled quality of its replica bags! This bag is perfectly crafted with the Louis Vuitton vision in mind, such as the perfect alignment of the stitches and patterns, even the Damier print. I love the amazing customer service, too, which comes with every bag purchase. I believe that Pure Blog has a team with members that go over and above expectations so that the customers are happy with their items. Such excellent service is rare online so I’m thankful that I came upon PV! You’re a cost-saver considering my love for the best luxury bag replicas. 

Louis Vuitton Epi Leather Keepall 45 Black

Sha: “It’s amazingly beautiful”

I absolutely love the Keepall! The bag has a high quality while the shipping was as fast as can be. The customer service at PV was also great! I can’t wait to order my next PV replica bag.” 

Louis Vuitton Keepall Monogram Replica Review

My take on Louis Vuitton Monogram Keepall 55

JC: “Just unbelievably amazing!”

I was initially cautious about ordering from Replica website because of negative experiences from other similar blogs, such as poor quality products. But I was convinced to buy from Lady Purse Blog, partly because of the positive customer reviews. I then ordered two purses, the Keepall and the Sully MM. And I didn’t regret my decision because, both bags were just unbelievably amazing! The excellent quality surpassed my expectations of an LV replica bag, especially as it looks and feels like the real deal! I can’t even tell if there are any differences except for the price. I absolutely love them since both the Sully MM and Keepall 55 are as fantastic as can be. I’m obviously a super-satisfied customer and I will buy more replica bags from Purse Blog. As for the shipping, it only took 3-4 days in California. I highly recommend this website! 

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